Group Introduction

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发布时间: 2019-04-15 09:15


  The condensed matter theory and material calculation group was established in 2016, based on Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and the school of Physics in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Professor Xu Gang, the head of the research group, was selected into the thirteenth batch of the overseas high-level young talents in 2017. At present, there are 1 professor, 1 lecturer, 6 doctoral students and 4 postgraduates. The research group mainly uses the first-principles calculation method, engages in the exploration and research of novel physical properties and materials, and takes into account the basic physics research and practical material application in the condensed state. From a professional point of view, the research of this group has deep and extensive explorations on many problems in the condensed matter discipline, such as topological insulators, superconductivity, and strong correlation systems, which helps to reveal the basics of quantum behavior of matter. Regularity to achieve a deep understanding of complex physical laws.