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The 7th "Million Gauss Trophy" basketball game was successfully held

Release Time: 2019-04-15 09:15

   In order to enrich the campus and cultural life of teachers and students, and promote exchanges between laboratories, on the evening of November 19th, the Strong Magnetic Field Center held the 7th "Million Gauss Cup" basketball game at the basketball court of the West Campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Members of the group Luo Aiyun, Zhong Guyue, Liu Jiabin participated in the competition.


   Under the organization of the Graduate School of the Strong Magnetic Field Center, the team is divided into the Power Control Team, the Magnet Team, the Science Team, and the Science Team 2, using the elimination system. The game is divided into the upper and lower half, and the midfield break sets the female shooting game. At the same time, in order to allow more students to participate in this event, the game has arranged a fun dodgeball game.


  At the scene of the game, the players of each team took out the housekeeping skills, concentrated, fierce competition, wonderful goals, tacit defense, suffocating fast-paced offensive and defensive conversion, so that the game climaxed, fully demonstrated not to give up, Strive to fight the spirit of competition. The players on the field gave their wonderful performances. The cheers of the audience under the stadium continued to cheer, and the event was very lively.


In the end, after four teams of nearly four hours of fierce confrontation, the magnet team won the championship of this event, and the second team of science won the runner-up. With the enthusiastic participation of the students, the fun dodgeball competition is also wonderful, the scene is hot, everyone laughs and laughs, and works together to enjoy the fun of sports. The basketball game not only showed the youthful style of the graduate students, but also enhanced the friendship and cohesiveness among the students, cultivated the collective sense of honor and demonstrated the spirit of unity, harmony and courage.